1. Constitutionality (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The quality of being in accordance with the constitution.
- Meaning (Hindi): संविधानिकता
- Synonyms: Legitimacy, legality
- Antonyms: Illegitimacy, unconstitutionality
- Example: The court examined the constitutionality of the new law.
- Related Words: Constitutional (Adjective), Constitute (Verb)
2. Fraternity (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A group of people sharing a common profession or interests.
- Meaning (Hindi): भाईचारा
- Synonyms: Brotherhood, camaraderie
- Antonyms: Enmity, hostility
- Example: The fraternity of teachers gathered for a conference.
- Related Words: Fraternal (Adjective), Fraternize (Verb)
3. Disenfranchising (Verb)
- Meaning (English): Depriving someone of the right to vote or other rights.
- Meaning (Hindi): मताधिकार से वंचित करना
- Synonyms: Depriving, marginalizing
- Antonyms: Empowering, enfranchising
- Example: The new laws were seen as disenfranchising minority voters.
- Related Words: Franchise (Noun), Franchisee (Noun)
4. Legislation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Laws, considered collectively.
- Meaning (Hindi): विधायिका
- Synonyms: Statute, regulation
- Antonyms: Lawlessness, anarchy
- Example: The new legislation aims to improve public health.
- Related Words: Legislative (Adjective), Legislate (Verb)
5. Irregularities (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Deviations from the norm or standard.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनियमितताएँ
- Synonyms: Anomalies, discrepancies
- Antonyms: Regularities, conformity
- Example: The audit revealed several irregularities in the accounts.
- Related Words: Irregular (Adjective), Irregularly (Adverb)
6. Probe (Noun/Verb)
- Meaning (English): A thorough investigation or examination.
- Meaning (Hindi): जांच
- Synonyms: Investigation, inquiry
- Antonyms: Ignorance, neglect
- Example: The committee will probe the allegations of misconduct.
- Related Words: Probing (Adjective), Prober (Noun)
7. Discrepancies (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Inconsistencies or differences.
- Meaning (Hindi): विसंगतियाँ
- Synonyms: Variations, contradictions
- Antonyms: Consistency, agreement
- Example: There were discrepancies in the financial reports.
- Related Words: Discrepant (Adjective), Discrepantly (Adverb)
8. Apprehended (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To seize or take into custody.
- Meaning (Hindi): गिरफ्तार करना
- Synonyms: Arrested, captured
- Antonyms: Released, liberated
- Example: The suspect was apprehended by the police.
- Related Words: Apprehension (Noun), Apprehensive (Adjective)
9. Intimidation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The act of making someone afraid to do something.
- Meaning (Hindi): डराना
- Synonyms: Bullying, coercion
- Antonyms: Encouragement, support
- Example: The threats were seen as intimidation tactics.
- Related Words: Intimidate (Verb), Intimidating (Adjective)
10. Camaraderie (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Mutual trust and friendship among people.
- Meaning (Hindi): भाईचारा
- Synonyms: Companionship, fellowship
- Antonyms: Alienation, isolation
- Example: The camaraderie among the team members was evident.
- Related Words: Camarade (Noun), Camaradeship (Noun)
11. Legitimacy (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Conformity to the law or to rules.
- Meaning (Hindi): वैधता
- Synonyms: Validity, lawfulness
- Antonyms: Illegitimacy, unlawfulness
- Example: The legitimacy of the election results was questioned.
- Related Words: Legitimate (Adjective), Legitimately (Adverb)
12. Dilemma (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made.
- Meaning (Hindi): दुविधा
- Synonyms: Quandary, predicament
- Antonyms: Solution, resolution
- Example: She faced a dilemma between two job offers.
- Related Words: Dilemmatic (Adjective), Dilemmas (Plural Noun)
13. Proposed (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To put forward an idea or plan for consideration.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रस्तावित करना
- Synonyms: Suggested, recommended
- Antonyms: Disapproved, rejected
- Example: He proposed a new strategy for the project.
- Related Words: Proposal (Noun), Proposer (Noun)
14. Examine (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To inspect or scrutinize carefully.
- Meaning (Hindi): जांचना
- Synonyms: Analyze, investigate
- Antonyms: Ignore, overlook
- Example: The doctor will examine the patient thoroughly.
- Related Words: Examination (Noun), Examiner (Noun)
15. Allegations (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Claims or assertions made without proof.
- Meaning (Hindi): आरोप
- Synonyms: Accusations, assertions
- Antonyms: Denials, refutations
- Example: The allegations against the politician were serious.
- Related Words: Alleged (Adjective), Alleging (Verb)
16. Comprehensive (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Complete and including everything that is necessary.
- Meaning (Hindi): समग्र
- Synonyms: Thorough, extensive
- Antonyms: Incomplete, partial
- Example: The report provided a comprehensive overview of the situation.
- Related Words: Comprehensively (Adverb), Comprehensiveness (Noun)
17. Disparities (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A great difference.
- Meaning (Hindi): असमानताएँ
- Synonyms: Inequalities, differences
- Antonyms: Similarities, equality
- Example: The report highlighted the disparities in income levels.
- Related Words: Disparate (Adjective), Disparately (Adverb)
18. Scrutinize (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
- Meaning (Hindi): बारीकी से जांचना
- Synonyms: Inspect, analyze
- Antonyms: Glance, overlook
- Example: The auditors will scrutinize the financial statements.
- Related Words: Scrutiny (Noun), Scrutinizer (Noun)
19. Marginalizing (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To treat a person or group as insignificant or peripheral.
- Meaning (Hindi): हाशिए पर डालना
- Synonyms: Excluding, sidelining
- Antonyms: Including, integrating
- Example: The policy was criticized for marginalizing certain communities.
- Related Words: Marginal (Adjective), Marginalization (Noun)
20. Inconsistencies (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The quality of being inconsistent or contradictory.
- Meaning (Hindi): असंगतियाँ
- Synonyms: Discrepancies, contradictions
- Antonyms: Consistencies, uniformities
- Example: The inconsistencies in his story raised suspicion.
- Related Words: Inconsistent (Adjective), Inconsistently (Adverb)