1. Wrecker-in-chief (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A person who causes significant damage or disruption.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रमुख विध्वंसक
- Synonyms: Destroyer, Saboteur
- Antonyms: Builder, Creator
- Example: The wrecker-in-chief of the project was held accountable for the delays.
- Related Words: Wreck (Verb), Wreckage (Noun)
2. Indulgence (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The act of allowing oneself to enjoy something.
- Meaning (Hindi): लिप्सा
- Synonyms: Gratification, Satisfaction
- Antonyms: Restraint, Denial
- Example: His indulgence in sweets led to health issues.
- Related Words: Indulge (Verb), Indulgent (Adjective)
3. Reframe (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To change the way something is expressed or considered.
- Meaning (Hindi): पुनः फ्रेम करना
- Synonyms: Redefine, Reconstruct
- Antonyms: Maintain, Preserve
- Example: The committee decided to reframe the proposal for clarity.
- Related Words: Frame (Noun), Framing (Noun)
4. Oversight (Noun)
- Meaning (English): An unintentional failure to notice or do something.
- Meaning (Hindi): चूक
- Synonyms: Negligence, Omission
- Antonyms: Attention, Care
- Example: The oversight in the report led to significant errors.
- Related Words: Oversee (Verb), Overseeing (Noun)
5. Mandate (Noun)
- Meaning (English): An official order or commission to do something.
- Meaning (Hindi): आदेश
- Synonyms: Directive, Command
- Antonyms: Suggestion, Request
- Example: The government issued a mandate for all schools to reopen.
- Related Words: Mandate (Verb), Mandatory (Adjective)
6. Comprehensive (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Complete and including everything that is necessary.
- Meaning (Hindi): समग्र
- Synonyms: Thorough, Extensive
- Antonyms: Incomplete, Limited
- Example: The report provided a comprehensive analysis of the situation.
- Related Words: Comprehend (Verb), Comprehension (Noun)
7. Exploitation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The action of making use of and benefiting from resources or people unfairly.
- Meaning (Hindi): शोषण
- Synonyms: Abuse, Misuse
- Antonyms: Protection, Support
- Example: The exploitation of workers is a serious issue.
- Related Words: Exploit (Verb), Exploitative (Adjective)
8. Precedent (Noun)
- Meaning (English): An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide.
- Meaning (Hindi): मिसाल
- Synonyms: Example, Model
- Antonyms: Exception, Anomaly
- Example: The court’s decision set a precedent for future cases.
- Related Words: Precede (Verb), Preceding (Adjective)
9. Curb (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To restrain or limit something.
- Meaning (Hindi): रोकना
- Synonyms: Control, Restrict
- Antonyms: Allow, Encourage
- Example: The government aims to curb inflation.
- Related Words: Curbed (Adjective), Curbing (Noun)
10. Allegation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
- Meaning (Hindi): आरोप
- Synonyms: Accusation, Charge
- Antonyms: Defense, Justification
- Example: The allegation against the politician was widely reported.
- Related Words: Allege (Verb), Alleged (Adjective)
11. Surge (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A sudden powerful forward or upward movement.
- Meaning (Hindi): उछाल
- Synonyms: Increase, Rise
- Antonyms: Decline, Decrease
- Example: There was a surge in demand for the product.
- Related Words: Surge (Verb), Surging (Adjective)
12. Irregularities (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Deviations from the norm or standard.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनियमितताएँ
- Synonyms: Anomalies, Inconsistencies
- Antonyms: Regularities, Consistencies
- Example: The audit revealed several irregularities in the accounts.
- Related Words: Irregular (Adjective), Irregularly (Adverb)
13. Accord (Noun)
- Meaning (English): An official agreement or treaty.
- Meaning (Hindi): समझौता
- Synonyms: Agreement, Pact
- Antonyms: Disagreement, Conflict
- Example: The two countries signed an accord to enhance trade.
- Related Words: Accord (Verb), Accordance (Noun)
14. Proponent (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A person who advocates for a particular idea or cause.
- Meaning (Hindi): समर्थक
- Synonyms: Advocate, Supporter
- Antonyms: Opponent, Critic
- Example: She is a proponent of renewable energy.
- Related Words: Propose (Verb), Proposal (Noun)
15. Deterioration (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The process of becoming progressively worse.
- Meaning (Hindi): बिगड़ना
- Synonyms: Decline, Degradation
- Antonyms: Improvement, Enhancement
- Example: The deterioration of the building was evident.
- Related Words: Deteriorate (Verb), Deteriorating (Adjective)
16. Concur (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To agree or have the same opinion.
- Meaning (Hindi): सहमत होना
- Synonyms: Agree, Consent
- Antonyms: Disagree, Dissent
- Example: I concur with your assessment of the situation.
- Related Words: Concurrence (Noun), Concurrent (Adjective)
17. Facilitate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make an action or process easier.
- Meaning (Hindi): सुगम बनाना
- Synonyms: Assist, Enable
- Antonyms: Hinder, Obstruct
- Example: The new software will facilitate communication.
- Related Words: Facilitation (Noun), Facilitator (Noun)
18. Proliferation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Rapid increase or spread.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रसार
- Synonyms: Growth, Expansion
- Antonyms: Reduction, Decline
- Example: The proliferation of technology has changed our lives.
- Related Words: Proliferate (Verb), Proliferative (Adjective)
19. Substantiate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To provide evidence to support or prove the truth of something.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रमाणित करना
- Synonyms: Validate, Confirm
- Antonyms: Disprove, Refute
- Example: She was able to substantiate her claims with data.
- Related Words: Substantiation (Noun), Substantial (Adjective)
20. Advocate (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
- Meaning (Hindi): वकील
- Synonyms: Champion, Promoter
- Antonyms: Opponent, Critic
- Example: He is an advocate for environmental protection.
- Related Words: Advocate (Verb), Advocacy (Noun)