1. Exemplary (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Serving as a desirable model or example.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनुकरणीय
- Synonyms: Commendable, ideal, admirable
- Antonyms: Dishonorable, unworthy, inferior
- Example (in a sentence): His exemplary behavior earned him the respect of his peers.
- Related Words: Exemplify (Verb), Exemplarily (Adverb)
2. Resonate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To evoke a strong feeling or shared belief.
- Meaning (Hindi): गूंजना
- Synonyms: Echo, reverberate, connect
- Antonyms: Dampen, silence, ignore
- Example (in a sentence): Her words resonated deeply with the audience.
- Related Words: Resonance (Noun), Resonant (Adjective)
3. Allegation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A claim or assertion that someone has done something wrong, often without proof.
- Meaning (Hindi): आरोप
- Synonyms: Accusation, charge, claim
- Antonyms: Denial, exoneration, acquittal
- Example (in a sentence): The company denied the allegations of misconduct.
- Related Words: Allege (Verb), Allegedly (Adverb)
4. Precedent (Noun)
- Meaning (English): An earlier event or action regarded as an example or guide.
- Meaning (Hindi): मिसाल
- Synonyms: Example, model, standard
- Antonyms: Successor, follower, descendant
- Example (in a sentence): The ruling set a legal precedent for similar cases.
- Related Words: Preceding (Adjective)
5. Vigilance (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The action of keeping careful watch for danger.
- Meaning (Hindi): सतर्कता
- Synonyms: Alertness, watchfulness, caution
- Antonyms: Negligence, carelessness, inattentiveness
- Example (in a sentence): Vigilance is essential when driving at night.
- Related Words: Vigilant (Adjective), Vigilantly (Adverb)
6. Scrutiny (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Critical observation or examination.
- Meaning (Hindi): जांच
- Synonyms: Inspection, analysis, investigation
- Antonyms: Neglect, disregard, omission
- Example (in a sentence): The contract came under intense scrutiny before approval.
- Related Words: Scrutinize (Verb), Scrutinizer (Noun)
7. Detrimental (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Causing harm or damage.
- Meaning (Hindi): हानिकारक
- Synonyms: Harmful, damaging, injurious
- Antonyms: Beneficial, advantageous, helpful
- Example (in a sentence): Smoking is detrimental to your health.
- Related Words: Detriment (Noun), Detrimentally (Adverb)
8. Reciprocal (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Given or felt by each toward the other.
- Meaning (Hindi): पारस्परिक
- Synonyms: Mutual, shared, exchanged
- Antonyms: One-sided, unilateral, singular
- Example (in a sentence): The two countries signed a reciprocal trade agreement.
- Related Words: Reciprocity (Noun), Reciprocate (Verb)
9. Augment (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To increase or make greater.
- Meaning (Hindi): बढ़ाना
- Synonyms: Enhance, enlarge, expand
- Antonyms: Reduce, diminish, decrease
- Example (in a sentence): He took on a part-time job to augment his income.
- Related Words: Augmentation (Noun), Augmentative (Adjective)
10. Pertinent (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Relevant or applicable to a particular matter.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रासंगिक
- Synonyms: Relevant, appropriate, suitable
- Antonyms: Irrelevant, unrelated, inapplicable
- Example (in a sentence): The question was pertinent to the topic being discussed.
- Related Words: Pertinently (Adverb), Pertinence (Noun)
11. Curtail (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To reduce or limit something.
- Meaning (Hindi): घटाना
- Synonyms: Shorten, reduce, restrict
- Antonyms: Extend, expand, lengthen
- Example (in a sentence): The government decided to curtail unnecessary expenses.
- Related Words: Curtailment (Noun)
12. Empirical (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Based on observation or experience rather than theory.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रायोगिक
- Synonyms: Observational, practical, experimental
- Antonyms: Theoretical, hypothetical, speculative
- Example (in a sentence): The study provided empirical evidence supporting the hypothesis.
- Related Words: Empirically (Adverb), Empiricism (Noun)
13. Consolidate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To combine into a more effective whole.
- Meaning (Hindi): मजबूत करना
- Synonyms: Strengthen, unite, merge
- Antonyms: Weaken, separate, disperse
- Example (in a sentence): The company plans to consolidate its operations into one location.
- Related Words: Consolidation (Noun), Consolidative (Adjective)
14. Abolish (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To officially end a system or practice.
- Meaning (Hindi): समाप्त करना
- Synonyms: Eliminate, terminate, annul
- Antonyms: Establish, enact, institute
- Example (in a sentence): Slavery was abolished in many countries in the 19th century.
- Related Words: Abolition (Noun), Abolishable (Adjective)
15. Deprivation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The lack of basic necessities.
- Meaning (Hindi): अभाव
- Synonyms: Lack, scarcity, deficiency
- Antonyms: Abundance, plenty, surplus
- Example (in a sentence): Prolonged sleep deprivation can affect mental health.
- Related Words: Deprive (Verb), Deprived (Adjective)
16. Articulate (Adjective/Verb)
- Meaning (English): (Adjective) Able to express ideas clearly; (Verb) To express clearly.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्पष्ट
- Synonyms: Expressive, eloquent, fluent
- Antonyms: Mumble, inarticulate, unclear
- Example (in a sentence): She is known for her ability to articulate complex ideas.
- Related Words: Articulation (Noun), Articulately (Adverb)
17. Foreseeable (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Able to be predicted or anticipated.
- Meaning (Hindi): पूर्वानुमानित
- Synonyms: Predictable, expected, likely
- Antonyms: Unpredictable, unforeseen, unexpected
- Example (in a sentence): The company expects profits to rise in the foreseeable future.
- Related Words: Foresee (Verb), Foresight (Noun)
18. Legitimacy (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The quality of being lawful or acceptable.
- Meaning (Hindi): वैधता
- Synonyms: Validity, legality, authenticity
- Antonyms: Illegitimacy, invalidity, unlawfulness
- Example (in a sentence): The legitimacy of the election was questioned.
- Related Words: Legitimate (Adjective), Legitimately (Adverb)
19. Coerce (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To compel someone to act using force or threats.
- Meaning (Hindi): मजबूर करना
- Synonyms: Force, pressure, compel
- Antonyms: Persuade, encourage, free
- Example (in a sentence): They tried to coerce him into signing the agreement.
- Related Words: Coercion (Noun), Coercive (Adjective)
20. Inception (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The beginning of something.
- Meaning (Hindi): आरंभ
- Synonyms: Start, initiation, commencement
- Antonyms: End, conclusion, termination
- Example (in a sentence): The organization has grown significantly since its inception.
- Related Words: Inceptive (Adjective)