1. Clarification (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The action of making a statement or situation less confusing and more comprehensible.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्पष्टता
- Synonyms: Explanation, Elucidation
- Antonyms: Confusion, Obscurity
- Example: The teacher provided clarification on the complex topic.
- Related Words: Clarify (Verb), Clear (Adjective)
2. Contextualized (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Placed in context; made relevant to a particular situation.
- Meaning (Hindi): संदर्भित
- Synonyms: Situational, Relevant
- Antonyms: Abstract, General
- Example: The training was contextualized to meet local needs.
- Related Words: Context (Noun), Contextual (Adjective)
3. Emphasise (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To give special importance or prominence to something in speaking or writing.
- Meaning (Hindi): जोर देना
- Synonyms: Highlight, Stress
- Antonyms: Downplay, Minimize
- Example: The report emphasizes the need for urgent action.
- Related Words: Emphasis (Noun), Emphatic (Adjective)
4. Optimise (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make the best or most effective use of a resource or situation.
- Meaning (Hindi): अधिकतम करना
- Synonyms: Enhance, Improve
- Antonyms: Deteriorate, Worsen
- Example: We need to optimize our resources for better results.
- Related Words: Optimization (Noun), Optimal (Adjective)
5. Deficient (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Lacking in some necessary quality or element.
- Meaning (Hindi): कमी
- Synonyms: Insufficient, Inadequate
- Antonyms: Sufficient, Abundant
- Example: The diet was deficient in essential vitamins.
- Related Words: Deficiency (Noun), Deficiently (Adverb)
6. Cost-effective (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Producing good results without costing a lot of money.
- Meaning (Hindi): लागत-कुशल
- Synonyms: Economical, Efficient
- Antonyms: Expensive, Wasteful
- Example: The new method is more cost-effective than the old one.
- Related Words: Cost (Noun), Effectiveness (Noun)
7. Sustainability (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्थिरता
- Synonyms: Durability, Viability
- Antonyms: Unsustainability, Instability
- Example: Sustainability is crucial for future generations.
- Related Words: Sustainable (Adjective), Sustain (Verb)
8. Integration (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The process of combining or coordinating different elements into a unified whole.
- Meaning (Hindi): एकीकरण
- Synonyms: Unification, Incorporation
- Antonyms: Segregation, Separation
- Example: Integration of services can improve efficiency.
- Related Words: Integrate (Verb), Integrated (Adjective)
9. Vulnerable (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Susceptible to physical or emotional harm.
- Meaning (Hindi): संवेदनशील
- Synonyms: Exposed, Defenseless
- Antonyms: Secure, Protected
- Example: The community is vulnerable to natural disasters.
- Related Words: Vulnerability (Noun), Vulnerably (Adverb)
10. Deliberation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Long and careful consideration or discussion.
- Meaning (Hindi): विचार-विमर्श
- Synonyms: Discussion, Consultation
- Antonyms: Impulsiveness, Haste
- Example: The committee held deliberation before making a decision.
- Related Words: Deliberate (Verb), Deliberative (Adjective)
11. Stigma (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.
- Meaning (Hindi): कलंक
- Synonyms: Shame, Disgrace
- Antonyms: Honor, Esteem
- Example: There is a stigma attached to mental health issues.
- Related Words: Stigmatize (Verb), Stigmatization (Noun)
12. Co-morbidities (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient.
- Meaning (Hindi): सह-रोग
- Synonyms: Coexisting conditions, Concurrent disorders
- Antonyms: None
- Example: Patients with diabetes often have other co-morbidities.
- Related Words: Co-morbid (Adjective), Morbidity (Noun)
13. Evaluation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.
- Meaning (Hindi): मूल्यांकन
- Synonyms: Assessment, Appraisal
- Antonyms: Neglect, Disregard
- Example: The evaluation of the program showed positive results.
- Related Words: Evaluate (Verb), Evaluative (Adjective)
14. Initiatives (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The ability to assess and initiate things independently; a new plan or process to achieve something.
- Meaning (Hindi): पहलकदमी
- Synonyms: Actions, Measures
- Antonyms: Inaction, Passivity
- Example: The government launched several initiatives to improve education.
- Related Words: Initiate (Verb), Initiatory (Adjective)
15. Counseling (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The provision of assistance and guidance in resolving personal, social, or psychological problems.
- Meaning (Hindi): परामर्श
- Synonyms: Guidance, Advice
- Antonyms: Misguidance, Misinformation
- Example: Counseling can help individuals cope with stress.
- Related Words: Counsel (Verb), Counselor (Noun)
16. Prevalence (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The fact or condition of being widespread or common.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रचलन
- Synonyms: Frequency, Commonness
- Antonyms: Rarity, Uncommonness
- Example: The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally.
- Related Words: Prevail (Verb), Prevalent (Adjective)
17. Supportive (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Providing encouragement or emotional help.
- Meaning (Hindi): सहायक
- Synonyms: Encouraging, Helpful
- Antonyms: Unsupportive, Detrimental
- Example: She has a supportive family that helps her succeed.
- Related Words: Support (Noun), Support (Verb)
18. Implementation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The process of putting a decision or plan into effect.
- Meaning (Hindi): कार्यान्वयन
- Synonyms: Execution, Enforcement
- Antonyms: Abandonment, Neglect
- Example: The implementation of the new policy will begin next month.
- Related Words: Implement (Verb), Implementable (Adjective)
19. Nutritional (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Relating to the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
- Meaning (Hindi): पोषण संबंधी
- Synonyms: Dietary, Nourishing
- Antonyms: Malnourishing, Unhealthy
- Example: Nutritional education is vital for children.
- Related Words: Nutrition (Noun), Nutritious (Adjective)
20. Inadequate (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.
- Meaning (Hindi): अपर्याप्त
- Synonyms: Insufficient, Deficient
- Antonyms: Adequate, Sufficient
- Example: The resources provided were inadequate for the project.
- Related Words: Inadequacy (Noun), Inadequately (Adverb)