1. Stigmatized (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Marked by disgrace or shame.
- Meaning (Hindi): कलंकित या शर्मिंदा होना
- Synonyms: Disgraced, Shamed
- Antonyms: Honored, Praised
- Example: The stigmatized group faced discrimination.
- Related Words: Stigma (Noun), Stigmatize (Verb)
2. Pretext (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.
- Meaning (Hindi): एक कार्रवाई के पाठ्यक्रम को सही ठहराने के लिए दिया गया एक कारण जो असली कारण नहीं है
- Synonyms: Excuse, Justification
- Antonyms: Truth
- Example: He used a pretext to avoid the meeting.
- Related Words: Pretextual (Adjective)
3. Elitist (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Favoring a select group over others.
- Meaning (Hindi): एक विशेष समूह को अन्य पर प्राथमिकता देना
- Synonyms: Exclusive, Snobbish
- Antonyms: Egalitarian
- Example: His elitist views alienated many of his peers.
- Related Words: Elitism (Noun), Elitist (Noun)
4. Manifest (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्पष्ट या स्पष्ट
- Synonyms: Apparent, Evident
- Antonyms: Hidden, Obscure
- Example: The manifest truth was hard to ignore.
- Related Words: Manifestation (Noun), Manifestly (Adverb)
5. Arbitrariness (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The quality of being based on random choice or personal whim.
- Meaning (Hindi): यादृच्छिक चयन या व्यक्तिगत इच्छा पर आधारित होने की गुणवत्ता
- Synonyms: Capriciousness, Whimsy
- Antonyms: Consistency, Rationality
- Example: The arbitrariness of the decision raised concerns.
- Related Words: Arbitrary (Adjective), Arbitrarily (Adverb)
6. Vague (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Not clearly expressed or defined.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्पष्ट रूप से व्यक्त या परिभाषित नहीं किया गया
- Synonyms: Ambiguous, Unclear
- Antonyms: Clear, Precise
- Example: His explanation was too vague to understand.
- Related Words: Vagueness (Noun), Vaguely (Adverb)
7. Misuse (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To use something in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose.
- Meaning (Hindi): किसी चीज़ का गलत तरीके से या गलत उद्देश्य के लिए उपयोग करना
- Synonyms: Abuse, Misapply
- Antonyms: Proper use
- Example: The misuse of power can lead to corruption.
- Related Words: Misuse (Noun), Misusing (Gerund)
8. Retraction (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The action of withdrawing a statement or accusation.
- Meaning (Hindi): एक बयान या आरोप को वापस लेने की क्रिया
- Synonyms: Withdrawal, Recantation
- Antonyms: Confirmation
- Example: The author issued a retraction of the false claims.
- Related Words: Retract (Verb), Retractable (Adjective)
9. Flawed (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Having imperfections or weaknesses.
- Meaning (Hindi): दोषपूर्ण या कमजोर होना
- Synonyms: Defective, Imperfect
- Antonyms: Flawless, Perfect
- Example: The flawed design led to several issues.
- Related Words: Flaw (Noun), Flawlessly (Adverb)
10. Innocents (Noun)
- Meaning (English): People who are not guilty of a crime or offense.
- Meaning (Hindi): लोग जो किसी अपराध या अपराध के लिए दोषी नहीं हैं
- Synonyms: Victims, Unoffending
- Antonyms: Guilty, Offenders
- Example: The attack harmed many innocents.
- Related Words: Innocent (Adjective), Innocently (Adverb)
11. Embodied (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To give a tangible or visible form to an idea or quality.
- Meaning (Hindi): किसी विचार या गुण को ठोस या दृश्य रूप देना
- Synonyms: Represented, Manifested
- Antonyms: Disembodied
- Example: The statue embodied the spirit of freedom.
- Related Words: Embodiment (Noun), Embodying (Gerund)
12. Aspirational (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Having a strong desire to achieve something high or great.
- Meaning (Hindi): कुछ उच्च या महान प्राप्त करने की मजबूत इच्छा होना
- Synonyms: Ambitious, Desirous
- Antonyms: Unambitious
- Example: The aspirational goals inspired the team.
- Related Words: Aspiration (Noun), Aspire (Verb)
13. Consensus (Noun)
- Meaning (English): General agreement among a group.
- Meaning (Hindi): एक समूह के बीच सामान्य सहमति
- Synonyms: Agreement, Accord
- Antonyms: Disagreement, Discord
- Example: The committee reached a consensus on the proposal.
- Related Words: Consensual (Adjective), Consent (Noun)
14. Groundbreaking (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Innovative; introducing new ideas or methods.
- Meaning (Hindi): नवोन्मेषी; नए विचारों या तरीकों को पेश करना
- Synonyms: Pioneering, Revolutionary
- Antonyms: Unoriginal, Conventional
- Example: The research was groundbreaking in its field.
- Related Words: Groundbreak (Verb), Groundbreaker (Noun)
15. Indifferent (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Having no particular interest or concern.
- Meaning (Hindi): कोई विशेष रुचि या चिंता न होना
- Synonyms: Apathetic, Unconcerned
- Antonyms: Concerned, Interested
- Example: She was indifferent to the outcome of the game.
- Related Words: Indifference (Noun), Indifferently (Adverb)
16. Affliction (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Something that causes pain or suffering.
- Meaning (Hindi): कुछ जो दर्द या पीड़ा का कारण बनता है
- Synonyms: Suffering, Distress
- Antonyms: Relief, Comfort
- Example: The disease is a serious affliction.
- Related Words: Afflict (Verb), Afflicted (Adjective)
17. Pursuits (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Activities or endeavors in which one engages.
- Meaning (Hindi): गतिविधियाँ या प्रयास जिनमें कोई संलग्न होता है
- Synonyms: Activities, Endeavors
- Antonyms: Idleness
- Example: His pursuits include painting and writing.
- Related Words: Pursue (Verb), Pursuant (Adjective)
18. Commendable (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Deserving praise or admiration.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रशंसा या प्रशंसा के योग्य
- Synonyms: Praiseworthy, Admirable
- Antonyms: Blameworthy
- Example: Her efforts in the community are commendable.
- Related Words: Commend (Verb), Commendation (Noun)
19. Reimagine (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To think about something in a new or different way.
- Meaning (Hindi): नए या अलग तरीके से सोचना
- Synonyms: Redefine, Reconceive
- Antonyms: Ignore, Overlook
- Example: We need to reimagine our approach to education.
- Related Words: Reimagination (Noun), Reimagining (Gerund)
20. Multidisciplinary (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Involving multiple academic disciplines or fields of study.
- Meaning (Hindi): कई शैक्षणिक अनुशासनों को शामिल करना
- Synonyms: Interdisciplinary, Cross-disciplinary
- Antonyms: Unidisciplinary
- Example: The project requires a multidisciplinary team.
- Related Words: Multidisciplinarity (Noun)