1. Anarchy (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority.
- Meaning (Hindi): अराजकता
- Synonyms: Chaos, disorder, lawlessness
- Antonyms: Order, peace, harmony
- Example: The country descended into anarchy after the government fell.
- Related Words: Anarchic (Adjective), Anarchist (Noun)
2. Neutralise (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To counteract or cancel the effect of something.
- Meaning (Hindi): निष्क्रिय करना
- Synonyms: Counter, offset, nullify
- Antonyms: Intensify, exacerbate
- Example: The team worked to neutralise the threat posed by the enemy.
- Related Words: Neutralization (Noun), Neutral (Adjective)
3. Demographic (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Relating to the structure of populations.
- Meaning (Hindi): जनसांख्यिकीय
- Synonyms: Population-related, statistical Antonyms: Individual, singular
- Example: The demographic changes in the city are significant.
- Related Words: Demography (Noun), Demographer (Noun)
4. Misadventure (Noun)
- Meaning (English): An unfortunate incident or mishap.
- Meaning (Hindi): दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना
- Synonyms: Mishap, accident, misfortune
- Antonyms: Success, fortune
- Example: His misadventure led to a series of unexpected challenges.
- Related Words: Misadventurous (Adjective)
5. Extrapolate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनुमान लगाना
- Synonyms: Infer, deduce, extend
- Antonyms: Constrain, limit
- Example: Scientists can extrapolate future trends from current data.
- Related Words: Extrapolation (Noun), Extrapolative (Adjective)
6. Incumbent (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The current holder of a position or office.
- Meaning (Hindi): पदधारी
- Synonyms: Officeholder, current, existing
- Antonyms: Challenger, candidate
- Example: The incumbent mayor is seeking re-election.
- Related Words: Incumbency (Noun), Incumbent (Adjective)
7. Proportion (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनुपात
- Synonyms: Ratio, fraction, percentage
- Antonyms: Whole, entirety
- Example: A large proportion of the population is affected by the policy.
- Related Words: Proportional (Adjective), Proportionate (Adjective)
8. Extrapolation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The act of estimating or concluding something by extending or projecting known information.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनुमान
- Synonyms: Estimation, inference, projection
- Antonyms: Constraining, limiting
- Example: The extrapolation of data can lead to significant insights.
- Related Words: Extrapolate (Verb), Extrapolative (Adjective)
9. Marginalised (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Treated as insignificant or peripheral.
- Meaning (Hindi): हाशिए पर रखा गया
- Synonyms: Disadvantaged, sidelined, overlooked
- Antonyms: Central, mainstream
- Example: Marginalised communities often lack access to resources.
- Related Words: Marginalize (Verb), Margin (Noun)
10. Ruthless (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Having or showing no pity or compassion for others.
- Meaning (Hindi): निर्दयी
- Synonyms: Cruel, merciless, pitiless
- Antonyms: Compassionate, merciful
- Example: The ruthless leader made decisions without regard for the people.
- Related Words: Ruthlessness (Noun), Ruthlessly (Adverb)
11. Proportionate (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Corresponding in size or amount to something else.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनुपातिक
- Synonyms: Commensurate, corresponding, equal
- Antonyms: Disproportionate, unequal
- Example: The punishment should be proportionate to the crime.
- Related Words: Proportion (Noun), Proportionately (Adverb)
12. Constituency (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A body of voters in a specified area who elect a representative.
- Meaning (Hindi): निर्वाचन क्षेत्र
- Synonyms: District, electorate, region
- Antonyms: None
- Example: Each constituency has its own unique challenges.
- Related Words: Constituent (Noun), Constitute (Verb)
13. Extrapolative (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Relating to the act of extrapolating.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनुमान लगाने वाला
- Synonyms: Inferential, predictive
- Antonyms: Constraining
- Example: The extrapolative analysis provided valuable insights.
- Related Words: Extrapolate (Verb), Extrapolation (Noun)
14. Disheartened (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Having lost confidence or hope.
- Meaning (Hindi): निराश
- Synonyms: Discouraged, dejected, demoralized
- Antonyms: Encouraged, uplifted
- Example: The team felt disheartened after the loss.
- Related Words: Dishearten (Verb), Disheartenment (Noun)
15. Inferred (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To deduce or conclude information from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनुमानित
- Synonyms: Deduced, concluded, derived
- Antonyms: Misunderstood, ignored
- Example: The results inferred a significant trend in the data.
- Related Words: Inference (Noun), Inferential (Adjective)
16. Counteract (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To act against something in order to reduce its force or neutralize it.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रतिकार करना
- Synonyms: Offset, counter, negate
- Antonyms: Aggravate, intensify
- Example: Measures were taken to counteract the negative effects of the policy.
- Related Words: Counteraction (Noun), Counteractive (Adjective)
17. Sidelined (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To exclude from consideration or participation.
- Meaning (Hindi): हाशिए पर डालना
- Synonyms: Excluded, marginalized, overlooked
- Antonyms: Included, involved
- Example: He felt sidelined during the discussions.
- Related Words: Sideline (Noun), Sidelining (Noun)
18. Conducive (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.
- Meaning (Hindi): सहायक
- Synonyms: Favorable, beneficial, advantageous
- Antonyms: Detrimental, harmful
- Example: The environment was conducive to learning.
- Related Words: Conduciveness (Noun), Conduce (Verb)
19. Pertinent (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Relevant or applicable to a particular matter.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रासंगिक
- Synonyms: Relevant, applicable, appropriate
- Antonyms: Irrelevant, inappropriate
- Example: She asked several pertinent questions during the meeting.
- Related Words: Pertinence (Noun), Pertinently (Adverb)
20. Exacerbate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse.
- Meaning (Hindi): बढ़ाना
- Synonyms: Aggravate, intensify, worsen
- Antonyms: Alleviate, mitigate
- Example: The new policy may exacerbate existing issues.
- Related Words: Exacerbation (Noun), Exacerbative (Adjective)