- Emblem (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A symbolic object or representation.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रतीक
- Synonyms: Symbol, insignia, token
- Antonyms: None
- Example: The dove is an emblem of peace.
- Related Words: Emblematical (Adjective)
2. Adept (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Highly skilled or proficient.
- Meaning (Hindi): निपुण
- Synonyms: Skilled, expert, proficient
- Antonyms: Inept, unskilled
- Example: She is adept at solving complex problems.
- Related Words: Adeptness (Noun)
3. Cohesion (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The action or fact of forming a united whole.
- Meaning (Hindi): एकता
- Synonyms: Unity, togetherness, bond
- Antonyms: Disunity, division
- Example: The team’s cohesion was evident during the project.
- Related Words: Cohesive (Adjective)
4. Dysfunction (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Impaired or abnormal functioning.
- Meaning (Hindi): विकार
- Synonyms: Malfunction, disorder, impairment
- Antonyms: Functioning, efficiency
- Example: The organization suffered from serious dysfunction.
- Related Words: Dysfunctional (Adjective)
- Prevalent (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Widespread in a particular area at a particular time.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रचलित
- Synonyms: Common, widespread, prevalent
- Antonyms: Rare, uncommon
- Example: The disease was prevalent in the region.
- Related Words: Prevalence (Noun)
6. Surveillance (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.
- Meaning (Hindi): निगरानी
- Synonyms: Monitoring, observation, scrutiny
- Antonyms: Neglect, disregard
- Example: The area was under constant surveillance.
- Related Words: Surveil (Verb)
- Inundate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): Overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with.
- Meaning (Hindi): बाढ़ आना
- Synonyms: Flood, overwhelm, swamp
- Antonyms: Drain, empty
- Example: The office was inundated with applications.
- Related Words: Inundation (Noun)
8. Empathy (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
- Meaning (Hindi): सहानुभूति
- Synonyms: Compassion, understanding, sympathy
- Antonyms: Indifference, apathy
- Example: She showed great empathy towards the victims.
- Related Words: Empathetic (Adjective)
9. Conundrum (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A confusing and difficult problem or question.
- Meaning (Hindi): पहेली
- Synonyms: Dilemma, puzzle, riddle
- Antonyms: Solution, answer
- Example: The project presented a conundrum for the team.
- Related Words: Conundrums (Plural Noun)
10. Inevitably (Adverb)
- Meaning (English): As is certain to happen; unavoidably.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनिवार्य रूप से
- Synonyms: Unavoidably, predictably, necessarily
- Antonyms: Avoidably, optionally
- Example: Inevitably, the sun will rise tomorrow.
- Related Words: Inevitable (Adjective)
11. Ambiguous (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
- Meaning (Hindi): अस्पष्ट
- Synonyms: Unclear, vague, uncertain
- Antonyms: Clear, definite
- Example: The instructions were ambiguous and confusing.
- Related Words: Ambiguity (Noun)
12. Resilience (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
- Meaning (Hindi): लचीलापन
- Synonyms: Toughness, adaptability, flexibility
- Antonyms: Weakness, vulnerability
- Example: Her resilience helped her overcome challenges.
- Related Words: Resilient (Adjective)
13. Facilitate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make an action or process easier.
- Meaning (Hindi): सुविधाजनक बनाना
- Synonyms: Assist, enable, help
- Antonyms: Hinder, obstruct
- Example: The new software will facilitate our workflow.
- Related Words: Facilitation (Noun)
14. Disparity (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A great difference.
- Meaning (Hindi): असमानता
- Synonyms: Inequality, difference, gap
- Antonyms: Similarity, equality
- Example: There is a disparity in income levels across the country.
- Related Words: Disparate (Adjective)
15. Alleviate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
- Meaning (Hindi): कम करना
- Synonyms: Lessen, relieve, ease
- Antonyms: Aggravate, worsen
- Example: The medication helped alleviate her pain.
- Related Words: Alleviation (Noun)
16. Mitigate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make less severe, serious, or painful.
- Meaning (Hindi): कम करना
- Synonyms: Lessen, reduce, diminish
- Antonyms: Aggravate, intensify
- Example: Steps were taken to mitigate the risks.
- Related Words: Mitigation (Noun)
17. Tenacity (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; grip.
- Meaning (Hindi): दृढ़ता
- Synonyms: Persistence, determination, resolve
- Antonyms: Indifference, weakness
- Example: Her tenacity helped her achieve her goals.
- Related Words: Tenacious (Adjective)
18. Scrutiny (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Critical observation or examination.
- Meaning (Hindi): गहन निरीक्षण
- Synonyms: Examination, inspection, analysis
- Antonyms: Overlook, neglect
- Example: The proposal was subjected to close scrutiny.
- Related Words: Scrutinize (Verb)
19. Proliferate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To increase rapidly in numbers; multiply.
- Meaning (Hindi): तेजी से बढ़ना
- Synonyms: Multiply, escalate, expand
- Antonyms: Decrease, diminish
- Example: The use of smartphones has proliferated in recent years.
- Related Words: Proliferation (Noun)
20. Consolidate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make something physically stronger or more solid.
- Meaning (Hindi): मजबूत करना
- Synonyms: Strengthen, secure, solidify
- Antonyms: Weaken, disperse
- Example: They plan to consolidate their resources for the project.
- Related Words: Consolidation (Noun)