1. Torrential (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): (of rain) Falling rapidly and in copious quantities.
- Meaning (Hindi): मूसलाधार (mooslaadhaar)
- Synonyms: Pouring, Raging, Violent
- Antonyms: Drizzling, Gentle, Light
- Example: The torrential downpour caused flash floods in the city.
- Related Words: Torrent, Torrentially
2. Gale (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A very strong wind.
- Meaning (Hindi): आंधी (aandhi)
- Synonyms: Storm, Blast, Hurricane
- Antonyms: Breeze, Zephyr, Calm
- Example: The gale force winds uprooted trees and damaged buildings.
- Related Words: Gale-force, Galey
3. Waterlogged (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): (of land) So saturated with water that it cannot absorb any more.
- Meaning (Hindi): जल भराव (jal bharaav)
- Synonyms: Flooded, Inundated, Soggy
- Antonyms: Dry, Arid, Parched
- Example: The heavy rains left the fields waterlogged.
- Related Words: Waterlogging, Waterlog
4. Mandate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To give (someone) authority to act in a certain way.
- Meaning (Hindi): आदेश देना (aadesh dena)
- Synonyms: Order, Direct, Instruct
- Antonyms: Forbid, Prohibit, Ban
- Example: The new law mandates that all drivers must wear seatbelts.
- Related Words: Mandatory, Mandated
5. Fallout (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The adverse results of a situation or action.
- Meaning (Hindi: नतीजा (natija)
- Synonyms: Consequences, Repercussions, Aftermath
- Antonyms: Cause, Origin, Source
- Example: The fallout from the nuclear disaster was widespread.
- Related Words: Fall out, Fallouts
6. Elusive (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
- Meaning (Hindi): मायावी (mayaavi)
- Synonyms: Evasive, Slippery, Fugitive
- Antonyms: Accessible, Available, Attainable
- Example: The elusive criminal was finally captured after a long manhunt.
- Related Words: Elusiveness, Elusively
7. Decongest (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To relieve congestion in (a part of the body).
- Meaning (Hindi): भीड़भाड़ कम करना (bheed-bhaad kam karna)
- Synonyms: Clear, Relieve, Unblock
- Antonyms: Congest, Block, Obstruct
- Example: The new highway helped to decongest the city center.
- Related Words: Decongestion, Decongestant
8. Vandalise (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To deliberately destroy or damage property, especially public property.
- Meaning (Hindi): तोड़फोड़ करना (tod-phod karna)
- Synonyms: Damage, Desecrate, Deface
- Antonyms: Protect, Preserve, Repair
- Example: The vandals spray-painted graffiti on the walls of the building.
- Related Words: Vandalism, Vandal
9. Ironic (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Using or characterized by irony.
- Meaning (Hindi): विडंबनापूर्ण (vidambanaapoorn)
- Synonyms: Sarcastic, Sardonic, Cynical
- Antonyms: Sincere, Genuine, Earnest
- Example: It was ironic that the fire station burned down.
- Related Words: Ironically, Irony
10. Realm (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A kingdom.
- Meaning (Hindi): क्षेत्र (kshetra) Synonyms: Domain, Sphere, Field
- Antonyms: Limitation, Restriction, Confinement
- Example: The king ruled over a vast realm.
- Related Words: Realms, Realmlike
11. Cumulative (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.
- Meaning (Hindi): संचयी (sanchayee)
- Synonyms: Accumulative, Aggregate, Increasing
- Antonyms: Decreasing, Diminishing, Reducing
- Example: The cumulative effect of the changes was significant.
- Related Words: Cumulatively, Cumulate
12. Simultaneous (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Occurring, operating, or done at the same time.
- Meaning (Hindi): एक साथ (ek saath)
- Synonyms: Concurrent, Coincident, Synchronous
- Antonyms: Asynchronous, Non-simultaneous, Sequential
- Example: The two events happened simultaneously.
- Related Words: Simultaneously, Simultaneity
13. Negotiate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others.
- Meaning (Hindi): बातचीत करना (baatacheet karna)
- Synonyms: Discuss, Debate, Confer
- Antonyms: Impose, Dictate, Force
- Example: The two countries negotiated a peace treaty.
- Related Words: Negotiation, Negotiable
14. Proposition (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रस्ताव (prastaav)
- Synonyms: Proposal, Suggestion, Offer
- Antonyms: Refusal, Rejection, Denial
- Example: The scientist presented a new proposition about the origins of the universe.
- Related Words: Propose, Propositional
15. Advocacy (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.
- Meaning (Hindi): वकालत (vakaalat)
- Synonyms: Support, Promotion, Backing
- Antonyms: Opposition, Resistance, Antagonism
- Example: The group’s advocacy for environmental protection led to new legislation.
- Related Words: Advocate, Advocating
16. Herald (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To be a sign that (something) is about to happen.
- Meaning (Hindi): शुरुआत करना (shuruwaat karna)
- Synonyms: Announce, Signal, Indicate
- Antonyms: Conceal, Hide, Obscure
- Example: The first robin is a herald of spring.
- Related Words: Heralding, Heralded
17. Deploy (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To move (troops or equipment) into position for military action.
- Meaning (Hindi): तैनात करना (tainaat karna)
- Synonyms: Position, Arrange, Organize
- Antonyms: Withdraw, Remove, Retreat
- Example: The general deployed his troops along the border.
- Related Words: Deployment, Deployable
18. Sporadic (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated.
- Meaning (Hindi): छिटपुट (chhitput)
- Synonyms: Infrequent, Occasional, Irregular
- Antonyms: Frequent, Regular, Constant
- Example: There were sporadic outbreaks of violence in the city.
- Related Words: Sporadically, Sporadicism
19. Acknowledge (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To accept or admit the existence or truth of.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्वीकार करना (sveekaar karna)
- Synonyms: Admit, Accept, Recognize
- Antonyms: Deny, Reject, Dispute
- Example: The company acknowledged the error and issued an apology.
- Related Words: Acknowledgment, Acknowledgeable
20. Enclave (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A portion of territory within or surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct.
- Meaning (Hindi): परिक्षेत्र (parikshetra)
- Synonyms: Territory, District, Area
- Antonyms: Whole, Entirety, Totality
- Example: The country has several ethnic enclaves.
- Related Words: Enclaves, Enclaving