- Catalytic (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Causing or accelerating a reaction.
- Meaning (Hindi): उत्प्रेरक
- Synonyms: Accelerative, transformative
- Antonyms: Inhibitory, obstructive
- Example: The catalytic event sparked a national movement.
- Related Words: Catalyst (noun), catalyze (verb)
2. Epoch-making (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Highly significant or influential; groundbreaking.
- Meaning (Hindi): युग-निर्माण
- Synonyms: Revolutionary, historic
- Antonyms: Unremarkable, insignificant
- Example: The epoch-making discovery changed the course of science.
- Related Words: Epoch (noun), epochal (adjective)
3. Proximity (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Nearness in space, time, or relationship.
- Meaning (Hindi): निकटता
- Synonyms: Closeness, nearness
- Antonyms: Distance, remoteness
- Example: The proximity of the school to my house is convenient.
- Related Words: Proximate (adjective), approximate (verb)
4. Ambivalence (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas.
- Meaning (Hindi): द्विविधा
- Synonyms: Uncertainty, indecision
- Antonyms: Certainty, decisiveness
- Example: Her ambivalence about the job offer made her hesitate.
- Related Words: Ambivalent (adjective), ambivalently (adverb)
5. Stagnation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A period or state of inactivity or equilibrium.
- Meaning (Hindi): ठहराव
- Synonyms: Inactivity, dormancy
- Antonyms: Growth, progress
- Example: Economic stagnation can lead to increased unemployment.
- Related Words: Stagnate (verb), stagnant (adjective)
6. Stratagem (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent.
- Synonyms: Tactic, scheme
- Antonyms: Honesty, openness
- Example: The general employed a clever stratagem to defeat the enemy.
- Related Words: Stratagemic (adjective), strategize (verb)
7. Conundrum (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A confusing and difficult problem or question.
- Meaning (Hindi): पहेली
- Synonyms: Puzzle, riddle
- Antonyms: Solution, answer
- Example: The conundrum of climate change requires urgent attention.
- Related Words: Conundrums (plural noun), conundrumatic (adjective)
8. Disparity (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A great difference.
- Meaning (Hindi): विषमता
- Synonyms: Inequality, discrepancy
- Antonyms: Equality, similarity
- Example: The disparity in wealth between the two regions is alarming.
- Related Words: Disparate (adjective), disparately (adverb)
9. Ambiguous (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.
- Meaning (Hindi): अस्पष्ट
- Synonyms: Unclear, vague
- Antonyms: Clear, explicit
- Example: The instructions were ambiguous, leading to confusion.
- Related Words: Ambiguity (noun), ambiguously (adverb)
10. Resilience (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
- Meaning (Hindi): लचीलापन
- Synonyms: Toughness, adaptability
- Antonyms: Fragility, weakness
- Example: Her resilience in the face of adversity is inspiring.
- Related Words: Resilient (adjective), resiliently (adverb)
11. Dichotomy (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A division or contrast between two things that are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
- Meaning (Hindi): द्वंद्व
- Synonyms: Contrast, division
- Antonyms: Similarity, unity
- Example: The dichotomy between rich and poor is evident in urban areas.
- Related Words: Dichotomous (adjective), dichotomize (verb)
12. Imminent (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): About to happen; impending.
- Meaning (Hindi): निकटतम
- Synonyms: Impending, looming
- Antonyms: Distant, remote
- Example: The storm’s imminent arrival caused widespread concern.
- Related Words: Imminence (noun), imminently (adverb)
13. Sustainability (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्थिरता
- Synonyms: Durability, viability
- Antonyms: Unsustainability, fragility
- Example: Sustainability is crucial for preserving our environment.
- Related Words: Sustainable (adjective), sustainably (adverb)
14. Coalesce (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To come together to form one mass or whole.
- Meaning (Hindi): एकजुट होना
- Synonyms: Merge, unite
- Antonyms: Separate, divide
- Example: The two groups decided to coalesce for a common cause.
- Related Words: Coalescence (noun), coalescent (adjective)
15. Ephemeral (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Lasting for a very short time.
- Meaning (Hindi): क्षणिक
- Synonyms: Transitory, fleeting
- Antonyms: Permanent, enduring
- Example: The beauty of the sunset is ephemeral yet breathtaking.
- Related Words: Ephemerality (noun), ephemeron (noun)
- Inexorable (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Impossible to stop or prevent.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनिवार्य
- Synonyms: Relentless, unyielding
- Antonyms: Flexible, yielding
- Example: The inexorable march of time cannot be halted.
- Related Words: Inexorably (adverb), inexorability (noun)
17. Ubiquitous (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
- Meaning (Hindi): सर्वव्यापी
- Synonyms: Omnipresent, pervasive
- Antonyms: Rare, scarce
- Example: Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society.
- Related Words: Ubiquity (noun), ubiquitously (adverb)
18. Paradigm (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A typical example or pattern of something; a model.
- Meaning (Hindi): उदाहरण
- Synonyms: Model, Framework
- Antonyms: Anomaly, deviation
- Example: The new paradigm in education emphasizes experiential learning.
- Related Words: Paradigmatic (adjective), paradigmatically (adverb)
19. Tenacity (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; persistence.
- Meaning (Hindi): दृढ़ता
- Synonyms: Persistence, determination
- Antonyms: Indifference, apathy
- Example: His tenacity in pursuing his goals is admirable.
- Related Words: Tenacious (adjective), tenaciously (adverb)
20. Quintessential (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
- Meaning (Hindi): आदर्श
- Synonyms: Typical, ideal
- Antonyms: Uncharacteristic, atypical
- Example: She is the quintessential student, always eager to learn.
- Related Words: Quintessence (noun), quintessentially (adverb)