1. Proliferation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Rapid increase in numbers or spread
- Meaning (Hindi): तीव्र वृद्धि या प्रसार
- Synonyms: Expansion, multiplication, escalation
- Antonyms: Reduction, decline, contraction
- Example: The proliferation of social media platforms has transformed communication.
- Related Words: Proliferate (Verb), Prolific (Adjective)
2. Viability (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Capability of working successfully
- Meaning (Hindi): व्यवहार्यता या सफलता की संभावना
- Synonyms: Feasibility, sustainability, practicality
- Antonyms: Impracticality, failure, infeasibility
- Example: The viability of the new project depends on government approval.
- Related Words: Viable (Adjective), Viably (Adverb)
3. Misgivings (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Feelings of doubt or concern
- Meaning (Hindi): शंका या संदेह
- Synonyms: Apprehension, uncertainty, hesitation
- Antonyms: Confidence, assurance, certainty
- Example: He had misgivings about accepting the job offer.
- Related Words: Mistrust (Noun), Misjudge (Verb)
4. Cascade (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A large number of things occurring in succession
- Meaning (Hindi): श्रृंखला में घटने वाली घटनाएं
- Synonyms: Waterfall, deluge, series
- Antonyms: Halt, blockage, stagnation
- Example: The economic crisis led to a cascade of business failures.
- Related Words: Cascading (Adjective), Cascadable (Adjective)
5. Intact (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Remaining whole or unbroken
- Meaning (Hindi): बिना किसी क्षति के सुरक्षित
- Synonyms: Unscathed, undamaged, unharmed
- Antonyms: Damaged, broken, impaired
- Example: Despite the storm, the house remained intact.
- Related Words: Integrity (Noun), Integral (Adjective)
6. Expedient (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Suitable for achieving a goal quickly
- Meaning (Hindi): त्वरित समाधान देने वाला
- Synonyms: Advantageous, pragmatic, opportune
- Antonyms: Unwise, detrimental, impractical
- Example: The decision to cut costs was expedient but short-sighted.
- Related Words: Expedite (Verb), Expedition (Noun)
7. Multiplier (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A factor that increases the impact of something
- Meaning (Hindi): वृद्धि कारक
- Synonyms: Amplifier, enhancer, booster
- Antonyms: Reducer, suppressor, diminisher
- Example: Technology acts as a multiplier for productivity.
- Related Words: Multiply (Verb), Multiplication (Noun)
8. Displacement (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The forced movement of people or objects from their usual place
- Meaning (Hindi): विस्थापन या स्थानांतरण
- Synonyms: Relocation, eviction, migration
- Antonyms: Stability, settlement, permanence
- Example: The war led to the displacement of thousands of families.
- Related Words: Displace (Verb), Displacing (Adjective)
9. Mitigate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make something less severe or harmful
- Meaning (Hindi): कम करना या हल्का करना
- Synonyms: Alleviate, lessen, reduce
- Antonyms: Worsen, intensify, aggravate
- Example: The new policy aims to mitigate environmental damage.
- Related Words: Mitigation (Noun), Mitigative (Adjective)
10. Surge (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A sudden increase or rise
- Meaning (Hindi): अचानक वृद्धि
- Synonyms: Wave, spike, escalation
- Antonyms: Decline, drop, recession
- Example: There was a sudden surge in fuel prices last month.
- Related Words: Surging (Adjective), Resurgence (Noun)
11. Stagnation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Lack of activity, growth, or development
- Meaning (Hindi): ठहराव या गतिहीनता
- Synonyms: Slump, recession, inactivity
- Antonyms: Growth, progress, development
- Example: Economic stagnation has led to increased unemployment.
- Related Words: Stagnate (Verb), Stagnant (Adjective)
12. Imminent (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): About to happen soon
- Meaning (Hindi): आसन्न या निकट भविष्य में होने वाला
- Synonyms: Impending, approaching, forthcoming
- Antonyms: Distant, unlikely, avoidable
- Example: A storm is imminent, so we should take precautions.
- Related Words: Imminence (Noun), Imminently (Adverb)
13. Inundate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To overwhelm or flood with something
- Meaning (Hindi): अत्यधिक मात्रा में भर देना
- Synonyms: Overwhelm, flood, swamp
- Antonyms: Drain, deplete, underwhelm
- Example: The company was inundated with customer complaints.
- Related Words: Inundation (Noun), Inundated (Adjective)
14. Fortitude (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Strength in facing difficulties
- Meaning (Hindi): धैर्य और साहस
- Synonyms: Courage, resilience, endurance
- Antonyms: Weakness, cowardice, fragility
- Example: She showed great fortitude in overcoming adversity.
- Related Words: Fortify (Verb), Fortified (Adjective)
15. Reprieve (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A temporary relief from something unpleasant
- Meaning (Hindi): अस्थायी राहत
- Synonyms: Respite, pardon, delay
- Antonyms: Continuation, punishment, burden
- Example: The workers received a brief reprieve from layoffs.
- Related Words: Reprieved (Adjective), Reprieval (Noun)
16. Exacerbate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make a bad situation worse
- Meaning (Hindi): समस्या को और बढ़ाना
- Synonyms: Worsen, intensify, aggravate
- Antonyms: Alleviate, mitigate, relieve
- Example: The delay in response exacerbated the crisis.
- Related Words: Exacerbation (Noun), Exacerbating (Adjective)
17. Retribution (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Punishment as vengeance for wrongdoing
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रतिशोधात्मक दंड
- Synonyms: Revenge, penalty, retaliation
- Antonyms: Forgiveness, pardon, clemency
- Example: He feared retribution for his past actions.
- Related Words: Retributive (Adjective), Retributory (Adjective)
18. Elusive (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Difficult to find, catch, or achieve
- Meaning (Hindi): कठिनता से पकड़ में आने वाला
- Synonyms: Evasive, mysterious, slippery
- Antonyms: Obvious, clear, straightforward
- Example: The suspect remained elusive despite the police search.
- Related Words: Elude (Verb), Elusiveness (Noun)
19. Depravity (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Moral corruption or wickedness
- Meaning (Hindi): नैतिक पतन
- Synonyms: Corruption, immorality, debauchery
- Antonyms: Virtue, morality, purity
- Example: The novel explores the depths of human depravity.
- Related Words: Depraved (Adjective), Deprave (Verb)
20. Ubiquitous (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Present everywhere at the same time
- Meaning (Hindi): सर्वव्यापी
- Synonyms: Omnipresent, pervasive, widespread
- Antonyms: Rare, uncommon, scarce
- Example: Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society.
- Related Words: Ubiquity (Noun), Ubiquitously (Adverb)