1. Delimitation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The act of fixing the boundaries or limits of something.
- Meaning (Hindi): सीमांकन, परिसीमन
- Synonyms: Demarcation, boundary-setting, limitation
- Antonyms: Expansion, extension, enlargement
- Example (in a sentence): The delimitation of electoral constituencies was a contentious issue.
- Related Words: Delimit (Verb), Delimited (Adjective)
2. Federalism (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units.
- Meaning (Hindi): संघवाद, संघीय व्यवस्था
- Synonyms: Decentralization, confederation, union
- Antonyms: Unitarism, centralization
- Example (in a sentence): Federalism allows states to have their own laws while being part of a larger nation.
- Related Words: Federal (Adjective), Federate (Verb)
3. Meritocracy (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A system in which advancement is based on individual ability or achievement.
- Meaning (Hindi): योग्यतावाद, गुणवत्ता आधारित व्यवस्था
- Synonyms: Competence-based system, talentocracy
- Antonyms: Nepotism, favoritism, cronyism
- Example (in a sentence): The company prided itself on being a meritocracy where hard work was rewarded.
- Related Words: Meritocratic (Adjective), Merit (Noun)
4. Centralization (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The concentration of control or power in a central authority.
- Meaning (Hindi): केंद्रीकरण, एकत्रीकरण
- Synonyms: Consolidation, concentration, unification
- Antonyms: Decentralization, distribution, devolution
- Example (in a sentence): The centralization of power in the government led to protests.
- Related Words: Centralize (Verb), Centralized (Adjective)
5. Autonomy (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The right or condition of self-government.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्वायत्तता, स्वशासन
- Synonyms: Independence, self-rule, sovereignty
- Antonyms: Dependence, subjugation, control
- Example (in a sentence): The region demanded greater autonomy from the central government.
- Related Words: Autonomous (Adjective), Autonomously (Adverb)
6. Disparities (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Differences or inequalities, especially in terms of opportunities or resources.
- Meaning (Hindi): असमानताएं, विषमताएं
- Synonyms: Inequalities, discrepancies, gaps
- Antonyms: Equalities, similarities, uniformity
- Example (in a sentence): Economic disparities between urban and rural areas are widening.
- Related Words: Disparate (Adjective), Disparity (Noun)
7. Incentivize (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To motivate or encourage someone to do something by offering rewards.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रोत्साहित करना, प्रेरित करना
- Synonyms: Motivate, encourage, stimulate
- Antonyms: Discourage, deter, dissuade
- Example (in a sentence): The government plans to incentivize renewable energy projects.
- Related Words: Incentive (Noun), Incentivization (Noun)
8. Resilience (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The ability to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks.
- Meaning (Hindi): लचीलापन, सहनशीलता
- Synonyms: Toughness, endurance, adaptability
- Antonyms: Fragility, vulnerability, weakness
- Example (in a sentence): Her resilience helped her overcome the challenges she faced.
- Related Words: Resilient (Adjective), Resiliently (Adverb)
9. Innovation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The introduction of new ideas, methods, or products.
- Meaning (Hindi): नवाचार, अभिनवता
- Synonyms: Creativity, invention, originality
- Antonyms: Stagnation, tradition, conformity
- Example (in a sentence): Technological innovation has transformed the way we live.
- Related Words: Innovate (Verb), Innovative (Adjective)
10. Accountability (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The state of being responsible for one’s actions or decisions.
- Meaning (Hindi): जवाबदेही, उत्तरदायित्व
- Synonyms: Responsibility, liability, answerability
- Antonyms: Irresponsibility, unaccountability
- Example (in a sentence): Transparency and accountability are essential for good governance.
- Related Words: Accountable (Adjective), Accountably (Adverb)
11. Mitigation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The action of reducing the severity or seriousness of something.
- Meaning (Hindi): कमी, शमन
- Synonyms: Alleviation, reduction, easing
- Antonyms: Aggravation, intensification, escalation
- Example (in a sentence): The government focused on the mitigation of flood damage.
- Related Words: Mitigate (Verb), Mitigatory (Adjective)
12. Sustainability (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The ability to maintain or support a process over time without depleting resources.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्थिरता, टिकाऊपन
- Synonyms: Durability, endurance, viability
- Antonyms: Unsustainability, instability
- Example (in a sentence): The company adopted sustainable practices to ensure long-term sustainability.
- Related Words: Sustainable (Adjective), Sustainably (Adverb)
13. Regulatory (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Relating to the control or supervision of an activity by rules or laws.
- Meaning (Hindi): नियामक, विनियामक
- Synonyms: Supervisory, governing, controlling
- Antonyms: Unregulated, uncontrolled
- Example (in a sentence): The regulatory framework ensures fair competition in the market.
- Related Words: Regulate (Verb), Regulation (Noun)
14. Infrastructure (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
- Meaning (Hindi): बुनियादी ढांचा, आधारभूत संरचना
- Synonyms: Framework, foundation, structure
- Antonyms: Disorganization, chaos
- Example (in a sentence): The government invested heavily in improving the country’s infrastructure.
- Related Words: Infrastructural (Adjective)
15. Exacerbate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make a problem, situation, or feeling worse.
- Meaning (Hindi): बढ़ाना, और खराब करना
- Synonyms: Aggravate, worsen, intensify
- Antonyms: Alleviate, mitigate, ease
- Example (in a sentence): His comments only served to exacerbate the tension in the room.
- Related Words: Exacerbation (Noun), Exacerbating (Adjective)
16. Precedent (Noun)
- Meaning (English): An earlier event or action that serves as an example or guide for future situations.
- Meaning (Hindi): मिसाल, पूर्व उदाहरण
- Synonyms: Example, model, standard
- Antonyms: Exception, anomaly
- Example (in a sentence): The court’s decision set a precedent for future cases.
- Related Words: Precedented (Adjective), Unprecedented (Adjective)
17. Consensus (Noun)
- Meaning (English): General agreement among a group of people.
- Meaning (Hindi): सहमति, आम राय
- Synonyms: Agreement, unanimity, harmony
- Antonyms: Disagreement, discord, conflict
- Example (in a sentence): The committee reached a consensus on the new policy.
- Related Words: Consensual (Adjective), Consensus-based (Adjective)
18. Implications (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The possible results or effects of an action or decision.
- Meaning (Hindi): निहितार्थ, प्रभाव
- Synonyms: Consequences, ramifications, effects
- Antonyms: Causes, origins
- Example (in a sentence): The implications of the new law are still being debated.
- Related Words: Imply (Verb), Implicative (Adjective)
19. Repercussions (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Unintended consequences of an action or event.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रतिक्रियाएं, परिणाम
- Synonyms: Consequences, effects, outcomes
- Antonyms: Causes, origins
- Example (in a sentence): The decision had serious repercussions for the economy.
- Related Words: Repercussive (Adjective)
20. Stratification (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The arrangement or classification of something into different groups or layers.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्तरीकरण, वर्गीकरण
- Synonyms: Layering, categorization, division
- Antonyms: Uniformity, homogeneity
- Example (in a sentence): Social stratification often leads to inequality.
- Related Words: Stratify (Verb), Stratified (Adjective)