1. Revanchist (adjective)
- Meaning: Relating to a policy or movement aimed at seeking revenge or reclaiming lost territory.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रतिशोधात्मक
- Synonyms: Vindictive, Retaliatory
- Antonyms: Forgiving, Peaceful
- Example: The revanchist rhetoric from the opposition party stirred up nationalist sentiments.
- Related Words: Revanchism
2. Alacrity (noun)
- Meaning: Brisk and cheerful readiness.
- Meaning (Hindi): तत्परता
- Synonyms: Eagerness, Willingness
- Antonyms: Apathy, Reluctance
- Example: She accepted the invitation with alacrity.
- Related Words: Alacritous
3. Perfunctory (adjective)
- Meaning: Carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection.
- Meaning (Hindi): असावधान
- Synonyms: Cursory, Desultory
- Antonyms: Thorough, Careful
- Example: He gave a perfunctory nod to the new regulations.
- Related Words: Perfunctorily
4. Embolden (verb)
- Meaning: Give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something or to behave in a certain way.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रोत्साहित करना
- Synonyms: Encourage, Hearten
- Antonyms: Discourage, Dispirit
- Example: The new law emboldened the citizens to challenge the authorities.
- Related Words: Emboldened, Emboldening, Emboldenment.
5. Imperative (adjective)
- Meaning: Of vital importance; crucial.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनिवार्य
- Synonyms: Essential, Indispensable
- Antonyms: Unimportant, Optional
- Example: It is imperative to address the issue of climate change.
- Related Words: Imperatively, Imperativeness
6. Protracted (adjective)
- Meaning: Lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.
- Meaning (Hindi): दीर्घकालिक
- Synonyms: Lengthy, Extended
- Antonyms: Brief, Short
- Example: The negotiations were protracted and difficult.
- Related Words: Protract, Protraction
7. Imbrooglio (noun)
- Meaning: An extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.
- Meaning (Hindi): उलझन
- Synonyms: Entanglement, Quandary
- Antonyms: Solution, Agreement
- Example: The political imbroglio threatened to destabilize the entire region.
- Related Words: Imbroglios
8. Decentralisation (noun)
- Meaning: The transfer of authority from central to local government.
- Meaning (Hindi): विकेंद्रीकरण
- Synonyms: Devolution, Dispersion
- Antonyms: Centralization, Concentration
- Example: The government is committed to decentralization of power.
- Related Words: Decentralize, Decentralized, Decentralizing
9. Detrimental (adjective)
- Meaning: Tending to cause harm.
- Meaning (Hindi): हानिकारक
- Synonyms: Harmful, Injurious
- Antonyms: Beneficial, Advantageous
- Example: Smoking is detrimental to your health.
- Related Words: Detriment, Detrimentally
10. Ubiquitous (adjective)
- Meaning: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
- Meaning (Hindi): सर्वव्यापी
- Synonyms: Omnipresent, Pervasive
- Antonyms: Rare, Scarce
- Example: The ubiquitous presence of technology in our lives.
- Related Words: Ubiquitously, Ubiquity
11. Saturnine (adjective)
- Meaning: (of a person or their manner) slow and gloomy.
- Meaning (Hindi): उदास
- Synonyms: Sullen, Morose
- Antonyms: Cheerful, Jovial
- Example: He had a saturnine expression on his face.
- Related Words: Saturninely, Saturninity
12. Reinvestment (noun)
- Meaning: The act of reinvesting.
- Meaning (Hindi): पुनर्निवेश
- Synonyms: Reinvestment
- Antonyms: Divestment
- Example: The company plans to use its profits for reinvestment in new projects.
- Related Words: Reinvest, Reinvested, Reinvesting
13. Upshot (noun)
- Meaning: The final or eventual outcome or conclusion of a discussion, action, or series of events.
- Meaning (Hindi): परिणाम
- Synonyms: Result, Outcome
- Antonyms: Cause, Origin
- Example: The upshot of the meeting was that no agreement was reached.
- Related Words: Upshots
14. Sojourn (noun)
- Meaning: A temporary stay.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रवास
- Synonyms: Visit, Stay
- Antonyms: Residence, Departure
- Example: He enjoyed his sojourn in the countryside.
- Related Words: Sojourner
15. Unhurried (adjective)
- Meaning: Done in a relaxed and leisurely way.
- Meaning (Hindi): धीमा
- Synonyms: Relaxed, Leisurely
- Antonyms: Hurried, Rushed
- Example: He took an unhurried stroll through the park.
- Related Words: Unhurriedly
16. Composure (noun)
- Meaning: The state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself.
- Meaning (Hindi): धैर्य
- Synonyms: Calmness, Equanimity
- Antonyms: Agitation, Anxiety
- Example: He maintained his composure despite the difficult situation.
- Related Words: Composed
17. Unfettered (adjective)
- Meaning: Not confined or restricted.
- Meaning (Hindi): निरंकुश
- Synonyms: Free, Unrestricted
- Antonyms: Restricted, Limited
- Example: The artist had unfettered creativity.
- Related Words: Unfetteredly
18. Exemplary (adjective)
- Meaning: Serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनुकरणीय
- Synonyms: Outstanding, Excellent
- Antonyms: Poor, Inadequate
- Example: The athlete’s sportsmanship was exemplary.
- Related Words: Exemplar, Exemplarily
19. Uncharted (adjective)
- Meaning: (of an area of land or sea) not mapped or surveyed.
- Meaning (Hindi): अज्ञात
- Synonyms: Unknown, Unexplored
- Antonyms: Known, Familiar
- Example: The team ventured into uncharted territory.
- Related Words: Unchartedly
20. Tactical (adjective)
- Meaning: Relating to or constituting actions carefully planned to gain a specific military end.
- Meaning (Hindi): सामरिक
- Synonyms: Strategic, Calculated
- Antonyms: Unplanned, Impulsive
- Example: The general devised a tactical plan to outflank the enemy.
- Related Words: Tactic, Tactically